Building A Sinatra Application Tips & Tricks

Kelsey Shiba
5 min readOct 14, 2020

I learned so much completing this project, and realized there is so much left to learn. I wanted to document some of the technical things that I struggled with in the hopes that it would help others on their coding journey.

Things I Struggled With:
1. Setting up the application
2. Creating New Files
3. Adding/Deleting Columns, Resetting Objects
4. Understanding Relationships
5. Using Two Different Users to Login
6. Using Logic in the Views
7. Protecting your routes

Setting Up the Application
File structure really confused me upon the start of this project. I am a visual learner, so I setup this graphic for myself.

The biggest piece missing for me during the setup was that I need to include in my file:

use Rack::MethodOverride

This is the piece that allows your POST => patch/delete functions to work.

Also, when and if you decide to use Sinatra Flash, be sure to do the following steps:

require ‘sinatra/flash’ in main controller
register Sinatra::Flash in main controller inside configure do
gem install sinatra-flash in your bash terminal
place gem ‘sinatra-flash’, ‘~> 0.3.0’ in your Gemfile
run bundle install

You can also steal some HTML/Ruby to make your flash look nice above the yield in the layout with something like this:

<% flash.keys.each do |type| %>
<div data-alert class=”flash <%= type %> alert-box radius”>
<%= flash[type] %>
<a href=”#” class=”close”>&times;</a>
<% end %>

add CSS with

.flash {
background-color: yourchoice

Use flash[:message] = “Whatever message you want at the top of your page” inside your controller(s).

Creating New Files
When creating a new file be sure to follow the routes that it needs in order for it to work before adding more code.

For example, when adding a new controller, remember to trace it back to make it work. To make a controller, add the use ControllerName in your file.

use ControllerName
run ApplicationController

When adding a new model, you’ll need to trace its relationships, validations, and database. Be sure to add any belongs_to, has_many, has_secure_password to your objects, create the database with rake db:create_migration NAME=name_of_table and add any relevant columns and validations.

class User
validates: email/username/password, presence: true, uniqueness: true, confirmation: true

When adding a new view, be sure to add the get request that renders that view, and add 1 line of HTML to be sure you can see the view after rendering.

get ‘/’ do
erb :index
(in the view.erb)

Adding/Deleting Columns
I had some trouble figuring out whether or not I needed to seed or reseed my database after making changes. As it turns out, that was not necessary most of the time. This is what worked the best when adding or deleting columns — whether it was whole columns or just to make minor name changes. Additionally, adding a reset command to the object that I was making changes to helped as it reset those columns to include those changes.

class AddColumnsToAppointments < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
remove_column :appointments, :time
remove_column :appointments, :date
add_column :appointments, :start, :datetime
add_column :appointments, :end, :datetime

Understanding Relationships
This is a work in progress for me. When I initially setup the project it seemed like it would make sense in the real world for the following to be true:

- Teachers would have many appointments, and many students through appointments
- Appointments would belong to Students and Teachers
- Students would have many appointments, and belong to teachers

When I worked through the true functionality of the application, the students did not need to belong_to teachers, because the teachers had many students through the appointments made and there was no need for the teachers to see the students they had without the need to view their appointments. This was difficult to grasp but it made sense as that would almost be creating an unnecessary duplicate relationship.

Using Two Different Users to Login
This concept was very hard for me to figure out. If I were giving advice to myself, I would advise myself to write a Users class and have Students and Teachers inherit from that class in order to login/signup. However, it was an interesting challenge to have to work with. Here are the helper methods that allowed me to have compelete functionality.

def logged_in?
!!session[:teacher_id] || session[:student_id]
def student_current_user
@student_current_user ||= Student.find_by_id(session[:student_id])
def teacher_current_user
@teacher_current_user ||= Teacher.find_by_id(session[:teacher_id])
def is_teacher?
def is_student?

When using session[:user_id] the current_user method was finding both a student and a teacher using find_by_id (4) — as 4 was the session[:user_id] and 4 was the id for a teacher and a student. Making the distinction between session[:teacher_id] and session[:student_id] solved the issue and allowed me to create specific parts in the views using is_teacher? and is_student? logic.

I originally solved it by adding the student object/teacher object to the session with session[:class] = student object, but it was advised that I never push an object into the session, which is good to know.

Using Logic in the Views

Professor Hansen advised that I take logic out the views, which cleans up the code and helps everyone understand what’s happening in the views. This was great advice and allowed me to rework several things. In the views, I wanted to sort lists of items, so I created methods to do so. One of the methods I was able to put into the model to sort itself:

def self.sort_appointments
self.all.sort do |a, b|
a.week_number <=> b.week_number

However, there was a similar method that I had to use as a helper method inside of a controller because it needed access to another helper method in order to run. Here is that method.

def teacher_appointments do |appt|
appt.teacher_id ==
end.sort do |a,b|
a.week_number <=> b.week_number

Both of these were very helpful in getting logic outside of the views.

Protecting Routes
One of the best lines of code I learned from other students in my cohort was this:

not_found do
status 404
erb :error

This code will render an error page if someone enters a bad url such as:;j

Creating if/else logic to assist with bad data/input was very useful. A pattern that I picked up, especially from patch or post requests that required creating something was this:

- access the object and set to variable
- check if that params are valid
- check if logged in
- check the object belongs to the user

Code sample:

@variable = Variable.find_by_id(params[:id])
if valid_params?
if logged_in?
if is_student? && @appointment.student_id ==

This was an incredible project to complete. It helped solidify object orientation, databases, and server knowledge. I’m excited for the next step in learning how to create more dynamic applications.

Code on!




Kelsey Shiba

Full Stack Software Engineer, Administrator, Designer, and Musician.